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Isabella Virtual Studiolo is going on
Thanks to a grant by NEH – National Endowment for the Humanities, the project about Isabella d’Este Virtual Studiolo is now through its first development stages.
During a business trip to Los Angeles, for attending the Siggraph 2019 Conference, some members of the team were able to join professors Deanna Shemek and Anne MacNeil for a vis-à-vis meeting, after the one held at Cineca in May. For half an hour also the team members in Italy joined the event for a brief sum-up of the latest achievements.
Such as some prototypical on-line visualisation of elements that will be part of the Virtual Studiolo, as the bas-relief of Proserpina, reconstructed after a photographic campaign at the Ducal Palace in Mantua.
Stay tuned, more news to come!
Once again the IDEA Virtual Studiolo team did amazing work, in person and across oceans and continents, to develop our project!